Foreclosure Prevention Services

Margert Community Corporation is a New York State Homes and Community Renewal (HCR) Neighborhood Preservation Company, and a HUD approved housing counseling agency, providing comprehensive assistance to persons who want to rent, buy or already own a home, and who seek to be responsible renters, buyers and owners.

Margert is funded through the Center for NYC Neighborhoods (CNYCN) to assist homeowners in finding free, qualified mortgage assistance relief services.

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We provide foreclosure prevention counseling services designed to assist homeowners facing the risk of foreclosure on their properties. These services offer expert guidance and support to help individuals navigate the complex process of foreclosure and explore alternatives to losing their homes.

Key aspects of foreclosure prevention counseling services include:

  • Financial Assessment: Counselors evaluate the homeowner's financial situation, including income, expenses, debts, and assets, to understand the root causes of their mortgage delinquency.

  • Budgeting and Financial Planning: To help homeowners create realistic budgets and financial plans to manage their expenses and improve their financial stability.

  • Loan Modification Assistance: Counselors work with lenders to negotiate loan modifications, which can involve lowering interest rates, extending loan terms, or reducing the principal balance to make the mortgage more affordable.

  • Loss Mitigation: To explore various loss mitigation options, such as repayment plans, forbearance agreements, and short sales, to find the best solution based on the homeowner's circumstances.

  • Education and Resources: Foreclosure prevention counselors provide educational resources and materials to help homeowners better understand the foreclosure process, foreclosure avoidance strategies, and available government programs.

  • Advocacy: Our counselors may act as advocates for homeowners, facilitating communication between borrowers and lenders to find mutually beneficial solutions and prevent foreclosure.

  • Referrals: If necessary, counselors can refer homeowners to other community resources and services, such as legal aid, housing agencies, or financial assistance programs.

  • Education on Scams: Counselors educate homeowners about foreclosure rescue scams and how to recognize and avoid fraudulent schemes.

Margert’s foreclosure prevention counseling services play a crucial role in helping homeowners facing foreclosure by providing financial guidance, negotiating with lenders, offering legal information, and exploring alternatives to foreclosure. These services aim to empower homeowners to make informed decisions and work toward preserving their homes.